Expert Cleaning Blogs: Tips for Commercial and Residential Cleaning

Imperial Cleaning - Ready for the Future

The wait is finally over, we have officially unveiled our new logo for all to see! After much buildup and a highly anticipated reveal, we couldn’t be happier with the results. Now that our week of fun events has come to an end, we’re excited to share all that went on during the week of our big unveil. 

After 26 Years, Imperial Cleaning Rebrands 

When our founders, Jeff Krinick and David Feldman, started Imperial Cleaning Company 26 years ago out of Jeff’s childhood bedroom, they could only imagine what great success the coming years would bring for them. Now, over 26 years, with the help of the entire Imperial Cleaning family, they have built a company of extraordinary cleaning professionals that are committed to creating clean, safe and healthy environments.  


The Logo Launch Week of Fun

We started the week off, Monday morning, with a few words from both Jeff and David. They touched upon Imperial Cleaning’s role in today’s world, the company mission and commitment to the safety of our workers.  Employees also heard about why the Imperial brand is so important and how the brand over 26 years, as evolved to represent the highest professional cleaning standards in the tri-state area. Speaking with pride, Jeff and David reinforced the accomplishments of all but also stressed that our world today demands that we be innovative and continually get better.  

After the speeches came time for the new company flag to be presented. Down came the old logo and up went the flag with the new logo. As the flag was blowing proudly in the wind, the entire Imperial Cleaning family toasted to a new venture with a little champagne and mimosas. Later in the day we all celebrated with group photos proudly showing off our new company shirts.

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The rest of the week we all continued to support the new Imperial Cleaning branding by posting images of the logo online and sharing all of the new goodies we received with the new branding.

After 26 years of hard work and dedication, we are excited to see what the future holds for us. This new logo is more than just a mark – it represents who we are as a company and our dedication to providing our clients with safe, clean environments. Imperial Cleaning will continue to deliver the highest level of cleaning, disinfecting, and microbial protection services. We never would’ve made it to this point without the help of our clients, staff, and your ongoing commitment to our services, so thank you!

Stay tuned over the coming weeks as we will unveil new programs that help create a cleaner, safer and healthier world!

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