Expert Cleaning Blogs: Tips for Commercial and Residential Cleaning

Welcome Customers Back to Your Stores with Imperial Shield’s Superior Protection

As a retailer, you know the importance of branding and how critical it is to make an excellent first impression. Now, as the economy begins to return to its former activity levels, your store needs to focus on re-engaging with consumers and driving store traffic. The Imperial Shield not only provides superior protection but also shows the world what you are doing to offer a clean, safe and healthy in-store experience.

Build Trust and Delight with Your Retail Customers

As people decide to leave their homes and return to direct shopping, it’s important for retail brands to re-establish trust and delight with their customers.

You should embrace the fact that consumers have changed. After a year of isolation during the pandemic, many consumers want to get out, see the actual colors, touch the merchandise, try items on, and compare them before buying. Despite consumers developing new purchase patterns during COVID-19, overwhelming pent-up energy will drive in-store retail purchases.

Learn more about Imperial Shield

Demonstrate Your Commitment to Healthy and Safety

A smart strategy for building trust and delighting your customers demonstrates that you have implemented the highest level of cleaning and disinfection for consumer safety. By showing that you have made every effort to provide a clean, safe, and healthy environment, you will create a sense of comfort as you welcome customers back to your stores.

Your First Step

To regain customers, start by evaluating how much commercial cleaning and disinfection is required now that COVID-19 fears are waning. There are essentially three different levels of protection to consider in our Imperial Shield program. We recommend that you evaluate each level:

Basic level

This level includes a deep cleaning and one-time disinfection to ensure that your environment is clean and safe from any previous bacteria or biofilm growth that can breed viruses or deadly pathogens. This level can include additional services like Porters who focus on high-touch areas.

Level 2

Level 2 provides cleaning and basic level disinfection. Our electrostatic spray, which is on the EPA’s List N, creates an electrical charge that covers all surface areas, even difficult-to-reach spaces in your retail stores.

Level 3

The Imperial Shield is our maximum protection program that provides superior bacterial killing power at 99.8 percent and antimicrobial protection for up to 90 days. Customers that choose maximum protection receive a total protection program that lasts for one year with an additional application every 90 days.

The Next Step

For building operations managers, it’s crucial to protect your company’s commitment to providing a clean and healthy space for customers and employees.

Your customers will know your brand by the statement you make in providing a clean and healthy environment. You can take pride in your store’s clean appearance and feel secure that additional protection levels will fight germs and influenza that can spread at high-traffic retail locations.


Imperial Cleaning provides customized disinfecting services. One of our staff members will ask you specific questions so that they can provide an accurate estimate. Once you make a decision and the work is complete, make sure you let your customers and employees know that you have taken extreme levels of caution because you care about their health and safety.

Our Imperial Shield comes with a “Certificate of Disinfection,” and door clings demonstrating that your retail environment has been fully protected by safe, eco-friendly products, which are 99.8 percent effective at killing viruses and bacteria.

Imperial Shield protects retail businesses

Proudly Serving Retail Businesses for Over 25 Years

At Imperial Cleaning, our mission is to create clean, safe, and healthy environments. Our customer care and management teams are always researching new and innovative products, techniques, equipment, and processes to improve our services. We are dedicated to providing the utmost disinfecting protection.

Contact us today to request your personal site walk-through for our Imperial Shield program.

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