Expert Cleaning Blogs: Tips for Commercial and Residential Cleaning

Monkeypox Cleaning Services

With Coronavirus barely in the rearview mirror, another infectious disease has begun filling headlines and hospitals.

The Monkeypox virus has been around for decades. Early this spring though, an unprecedented surge of new cases on new continents aligned the virus with the likes of COVID-19 and Polio. The World Health Organization and CDC are calling for vigilance and control.

As this highly contagious pathogen threatens our collective security, we're once again reminded that cleanliness isn't just a matter of personal hygiene, it's a social responsibility.

When Sharing Isn't Caring

Monkeypox is a rare disease, even in the rainforests of Central and Western Africa where it originates. It was first seen in its namesake mammal but has also infected other mammals like prairie dogs and squirrels. As a zoonotic virus, Monkeypox is transmittable across the species line. In addition, this highly contagious pathogen also boasts the power to spread from direct contact and indirect contact.

Direct Contact

  • close, physical contact with an infected person or animal
  • touching infected tissues, fluids, respiratory secretions, wounds, or mucous membranes

Indirect Contact

  • interacting with materials that an infected person or animal was in contact with transfer from common
  • objects: doorknobs, elevator buttons, handrails, phones, phones, pens, keyboards, and more
  • aerosol and respiratory transfer from resuspension of infected materials back into the air (i.e. shaking out linens)

Indications of exposure to Monkeypox include fever, chills, headaches, and almost always skin rash/lesions. Symptoms typically last two to four weeks, but patients are contagious until all sores and scabs are separated and replaced with healed skin.

Maintaining a clean and disinfected environment is the best method to keep yourself, your family, your customers, and your staff safe.

Limiting the spread of Monkeypox

Practicing good personal hygiene is the first step. Thorough and frequent hand washing is important and so is the use of PPE to protect your eyes, mouth, and nose, but that's not enough.

If the strongest barrier between you and infectious disease is cleanliness, you may want to step back and scrutinize your cleaning routines and procedures.

Keep in mind that you can't find the best level of protection on supermarket shelves. You need a commercial cleaning agency specially equipped to handle and control the spread of pathogens with Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC) qualified technicians, state-of-the-art electrostatic sprayers, and EPA-approved antimicrobial cleaning solutions.

Where Special Considerations for Monkeypox Cleaning Matter Most

Since Monkeypox is spread through direct and indirect contact, the number of places to catch the virus may seem insurmountable. The highest risk locations are in the homes and workplaces of any infected person, along with any locations they frequented.

The ability of Monkeypox to spread through indirect contact dramatically increases the risk that it poses to the general public. Employees and patrons of establishments where infected persons have been, whether they knew they were contagious at the time or not, may pose threats for cross-contamination.

Consider your daily travels, routines, errands, and outings. Places with food and beverage services, public restrooms, water fountains, communal laundry, and shared linens are more susceptible to exposure.

How Clean Is Clean Enough?

Most ordinary cleaning solutions are only effective for a short time, leaving your environment vulnerable to recontamination.

Disinfection with LIST N, EPA-qualified against COVID-19, is currently best practice. It has a very low dwell time and is non-corrosive.

For truly superior protection from infectious pathogens like Monkeypox, look for companies that use antimicrobial spray. It starts working immediately, coating surfaces in an invisible layer of protection that lasts for three months. Its water-based formula forms an ultra-strong covalent bond that continually protects against bacteria, mold, viruses, and pathogens while minimizing the spread of contagious diseases.

Custodial technicians apply the antimicrobial solution with electrostatic sprayers, which release an ionized mist or fog that prevents overwetting and allows for comprehensive coverage of even the most sensitive services. Antimicrobial agents don't wash off and do not harm electronics or fabrics. The particles adhere to walls, floors, entry points, and everything in between providing an aggressive barrier of clean that's active and effective for 90 days.

Where You Love, Live, or Earn Your Livelihood

When limiting your exposure to Monkeypox, most of us go places every day that we just can't avoid. Take extra precautions for cleanliness when frequenting facilities with higher risk factors for contact such as:

- gyms, spas, health clubs

- laundromats and communal laundry rooms

- restaurants, bars, clubs

- hotels, bathrooms, bedrooms

The rapidity with which the Monkeypox virus has descended upon us reminds everyone of the onset of CoronaVirus. As new cases continue to break out in new cities across America, it's time for businesses and shoppers to evaluate their standard of "clean".

At Imperial Cleaning, our commercial cleaning and disinfection services aren't just something we can count on, they're something you can count on.

The New Standard of Cleanliness

Do you know how clean the places you love, live, and earn your livelihood really are?

Look for the Imperial Shield Cleaning "Certificate of Disinfection and 90-Day Protection" in your workplaces and luxury retail spaces, for the only definition of clean that comes with a guarantee.

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