Expert Cleaning Blogs: Tips for Commercial and Residential Cleaning

Post-Construction Cleanup Services

Remodeling or building a new building for your business is an exciting proposition. After all, you’re likely expanding or getting your dream layout. Imperial Cleaners is so happy for you! However, there are a few things to take into consideration when looking to get your business open and ready to go. Not only are you bringing forth a new brand image for your clients and customers, but you’re also getting a new building that will require some serious cleanup once you are done.


Cleaning After Renovation

During and immediately after your building is constructed or remodeled, you will be dealing with A LOT of dirt, grime, and debris. Most of this stuff is harmless, but some of it can severely injure someone if it is not properly cleaned up. Some people think they can do this themselves, and while Imperial Cleaners would never doubt someone’s ability, this task can be time-consuming and difficult. Not only will the job site be large, but you’ll also need to know exactly how to clean up. If you have experience with post-construction clean-up, this can be a monumental task.


Imperial Cleaners knows exactly how to complete a post-construction cleaning after renovations or construction. We bring in specialized tools that will allow us to thoroughly clean the site without you worrying about what might be left behind. Although most construction site managers clean the best they can. It always helps to have a second set of eyes and hands on a job site to ensure it’s getting as clean as possible.


Those who do not clean up their new business before opening can face a variety of issues, primarily lawsuits if someone is injured. This can cost your business thousands of dollars in payouts and court fees. So, why risk the chance of something horrible happening to your business and your customers when a post-construction cleanup can prevent these accidents from happening in the first place?


 What Is Post-Construction Cleanup?

Construction is a messy affair. From tools to materials, constructions stir up a lot of dust and leave a lot of debris. Nails, screws, bolts, and other small materials frequently go missing, and these items can have devastating consequences if they are stepped on or ingested. In short, cleaning up after a construction job is completed is no small task. A post-construction cleanup will utilize special tools and a lot of know-how to get a former construction site as clean as possible. However, there are different types of construction cleaning as well that fall under the same umbrella as post-construction cleanup, including:


Active Construction Cleaning

Let’s be honest, not everyone can completely shut down their business while it’s getting remodeled. Often business owners need to stay in business while construction is happening to keep everything running smoothly. This can lead to customers walking over or ingesting dust and debris, especially if sanders are in use. To mitigate risk, you will need to hire someone to clean up these items to keep both workers and visitors safe. The process might include someone like sweeping subfloors to prepare for flooring installation, throwing away debris, and keeping the room tidy for work. This isn’t going to be a deep clean, which won’t fit into a contractor’s schedule, but it will allow a job site to stay clean and customers to keep shopping even while construction is going on.


Final Interior Cleaning

This cleaning requires a much more intensive process than active construction cleaning. Imperial Custodial Technicians take a comprehensive approach when this cleaning method is needed, including cleaning floors to get all debris off, cleaning newly installed carpets, and making sure dust is not still lingering in vents or ducts. In short, this is a very detailed process than other types of cleaning because the primary goal is to keep anyone who enters the building both healthy and safe while extending the life of newly installed furnishings, wall and floor coverings, and items in the store. This process, however, will prevent you from facing someone getting injured and suing you. As the name suggests, this process is completed after construction ends but before customers are allowed into the new area. Depending on the job, this may take a few hours or a few days.


Exterior Construction Cleaning

Exterior construction cleaning is just what its name suggests; the outside of the building is cleaned up to ensure it is safe for anyone to go there. This is especially relevant for those who have received extensive outside work; however, it is likely needed for all construction jobs as workers have trekked things outside from the work they were completing on the interior as well. This cleaning will have Imperial Cleaners employees outside to make sure there is no debris that can potentially injure someone. This type of cleaning is becoming more common in the industry as many construction companies do not offer extensive exterior cleaning services.


Why Do I Need To Hire A Post-Construction Cleaning Company?

It can be really tempting to think “I can do this myself,” or “The construction company will do a fine job of it.” We can’t begin to tell you how many times we’ve heard this line only for disaster to strike because someone couldn’t complete a job or corners were skipped. Some things that a post-construction cleanup can prevent include:

  • Unsafe working conditions – Construction workers are just as likely to get injured—if not more so—than customers. Sawdust is slippery and nails can penetrate boots. By hiring Imperial Cleaners, you’ll be able to prevent injuries that keep your workers safe as well as your customers.

  • Unhealthy dust – Construction dust is not healthy for people to ingest, and construction sites are full of it. This can lead to serious health conditions down the road as people continuously consume this harmful material. Instead of risking life, make sure that a cleaning company like Imperial Cleaners is there to keep everyone safe.

  • Better experience – You, your clients/customers, and the workers you’ve hired will all be in a more comfortable environment if it’s cleaned thoroughly. Rather than relying on them to navigate a dirty environment, you will be able to create a better experience that allows everyone to continue working well.

  • Prevent litigation – We’ve obviously mentioned this a few times in this article, but we cannot stress enough the liability that construction sites present. Unfortunately, this falls back on both the building owner and the contractor if someone gets hurt. Rather than risk someone getting injured and needing to pay thousands of dollars for litigation and settlements, you can prevent negative events from happening simply by keeping a job site clean and navigable.


All levels of post-construction cleanup can help keep people safe and happy. Some form of commercial construction cleanup is a necessity to keep employees, clients, and construction workers alike out of harm’s way ad you out from under the liability of keeping people safe. That’s why it’s important to hire a company like Imperial Cleaning, which can properly assess and mitigate risks. Other benefits of having Imperial Cleaning service a construction cleanup include:


Maintain a Professional Appearance

There’s nothing worse than wanting to go in to get a new clothing item or something to eat only to find that you need to walk through mountains of debris and dust to get to the business. Who wants to eat while construction dust is floating in the air? Certainly not us! Imperial Cleaners will help you keep your business clean and tidy even when heavy construction is going on. If that’s not a win-win, we do not know what is.


Get The Job Done Efficiently and Professionally

Here’s the deal. We meet a lot of business owners who think something along the lines of, “My staff can do it.” Your staff has other jobs they need to focus on rather than cleaning up after a job site. If they’re spending time doing that, they’re not getting you the support you need to keep your day-to-day operations running. Furthermore, you are again opening yourself up to some sort of litigation. If one of your staff members gets egregiously injured, you’re out an employee, which means you need to onboard someone else, as well as pay for their medical care, lost wages, and possibly pain and suffering. In short, this means you are losing thousands of dollars and a trusted worker. Rather than risking this, get a cleaning company like Imperial Cleaners to do the work for you.


Constructing a new business or hosting a remodel is an excellent move for your business; however, construction sites are messy and can host a variety of issues if you are not careful. Rather than risking your business getting faced with a hefty lawsuit if someone gets hurt or creates a generally unpleasing shopping experience, take the time to work with Imperial Cleaners to get a clean construction site that everyone will be fine with. Imperial Cleaners provides you with exceptional post-construction cleaning that will keep everyone happy. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for your construction site. Want to learn more about Imperial Cleaning’s post-construction cleanup services? Contact us online to schedule a walk-through or call us at 1-877-932-5326.

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