Expert Cleaning Blogs: Tips for Commercial and Residential Cleaning

A Happy, Clean and Healthy Office Starts with Disinfecting

While many companies are promoting more remote work, we are also seeing a growing number of  face-to-face meetings at the office. To keep employees safe and protected, companies need to take proper precautions before encouraging workers to return to the workplace. By following CDC guidelines and disinfecting your office regularly, you will be doing everything you can to ensure a happy, clean, and healthy office.

What Precautions to Take

If you’re going to have employees and clients entering your building, it’s important you have all the proper precautions in place to ensure everyone stays safe and healthy. Here are a few ways you can go about making sure you keep a clean and healthy office:

  • Promote frequent hand washing by setting up hand sanitizers dispensers around the office
  • Encourage the use of proper PPE, such as masks or other face protectants
  • Maintain a six-foot distance between coworkers
  • Make sure everyone has all of their own supplies, so sharing is not necessary
  • Setting up dividers between workstations


Have a Plan in Place if Someone Tests Positive for COVID-19

If someone in your office does come down with coronavirus, it’s important to take the proper steps to make sure that the rest of the people in your office stays safe. If an employee tests positive, an employer should:

  • Close off areas occupied by sick persons
  • Clean and then disinfect the worker’s area
  • Open windows if possible, to ventilate the area
  • Identify any additional coworkers who may have come into contact with the infected individuals starting two days prior to the symptoms showing
  • Encourage any additional coworkers who have come in contact to either get tested for coronavirus or self-quarantine for 14 days

Host Meetings Safely 

One of the best parts about being able to return to the office is being allowed to have in-person meetings, encouraging better collaboration between team members and improving morale. However, with social distancing so imperative right now, how can a company go about safely hosting meetings?  Coronavirus may be changing the way we have meetings, but it isn’t eliminating the need for meetings.

To safely host meetings:  

  • When possible have meetings over video conferencing  
  • Make sure any room you select to host your meeting in has been disinfected since the last use
  • Use a large enough room that all participants can safely keep a six-foot distance
  • Encourage the use of face masks during the meeting 


Clean and Disinfect Often to Keep a Healthy Office

Cleaning and then disinfecting is the most effective way to make sure that your office stays safe from any bacteria or deadly pathogens. A deep cleaning of your office will rid it of germs and then hiring professional cleaners to also provide an Electrostatic Spray of Disinfectant complete with an Antimicrobial Spraying Solution will help to completely eradicate 99.8% of bacteria and germs within your office..

Hiring Imperial Cleaning to completely disinfect your office will help to keep your work space and employees protected from harmful viruses for up to 90 days. With our resources, experience and properly trained staff we have become the trusted professionals in the industry, that  provide our clients with the highest standards of cleaning, disinfection and long-lasting anti-microbial protection.

Contact Imperial Cleaning today to inquire about an estimate for our disinfection services.  

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