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FAQs about Coronavirus in the Workplace

Currently, the owners of essential businesses are being forced to consider the best ways to address concerns of coronavirus in the workplace. But before going nuts wiping down every surface in your building, learn some of the facts.

What Business Owners Need to Know about COVID-19

Without much warning, coronavirus has become a major issue in the business community, leaving many searching for answers. To help our friends and colleagues stay in the know, Imperial Cleaning Company would like to share some answers to frequently asked questions about coronavirus in the workplace and what we are currently doing to help business owners like you.

What is coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Novel coronavirus is a new virus that has not been previously identified. Also known as COVID-19, it is not the same as other types of coronaviruses, like the common cold, which often cause people to experience mild illnesses. Thus far, people who have contracted COVID-19 have experienced both mild symptoms and severe illness.

Professional disinfecting service help prevent the spread of coronavirus in the workplace.

How does the virus spread?

According to the Centers for Disease Control, “COVID-19 is a new disease and we are still learning how it spreads, the severity of illness it causes, and to what extent it may spread in the United States.”

It is believed to be spread by people who have already contracted the virus, usually through small droplets from the nose or mouth that are spread when a person coughs or exhales. The droplets can also spread COVID-19 after landing on surfaces. Current evidence suggests that novel coronavirus may remain viable for hours to days on some types of surfaces.

How can I protect myself and my company?

For those companies considered to be essential, stopping the spread of illness is a community effort. Whether it’s encouraging hand washing or staggering on-location shifts, there are many things employers can do to pitch in.

According to the CDC, the cleaning of visibly dirty surfaces followed by disinfection is a best practice measure for prevention of COVID-19. It is recommended that frequently touched surfaces, like tables, doorknobs and light switches, are cleaned and disinfected daily.

Coronavirus in the workplace is a big concern for businesses today.

Imperial Cleaning Company’s Disinfecting Services

Today, more than ever before, it is vital for businesses to weigh the benefits of maintaining thoroughly disinfected surfaces.

If you think it might be difficult for your company to meet the CDC’s recommendations for daily disinfection, consider calling Imperial Cleaning Company for help. We provide electrostatic spray disinfecting services and prolonged antimicrobial protection for commercial clients concerned about coronavirus in the workplace.

Contact us today for an estimate.

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