Expert Cleaning Blogs: Tips for Commercial and Residential Cleaning

The Importance of Working with a Company with Quality Assurance Procedures in Place

When you’re working with my company, you want the security of knowing that they have an effective quality assurance program. 

Quality assurance programs specify the standards that a company strives to meet, including the methods that they use to meet these standards.

Why You Need a Cleaning Company with an Established Quality Assurance Program

When you hire a cleaning service, you need a trustworthy and dependable company. Cleaning companies with quality assurance programs are more likely to supply quality work and reliable service.

A Lower Likelihood of Mistakes

Quality assurance programs strive to catch errors before they become a problem. Of course, any task that involves humans is subject to mistakes, but a quality assurance program seeks to decrease the chance of errors and minimize their impact.

For example, assume that your cleaning service inadvertently skips dusting your blinds. In that case, you’ll likely be left with consistently dusty blinds. However, with quality assurance programs, your cleaning service will receive feedback about this skipped task and ensure it isn’t overlooked in the future. 

Standardized Results

It’s frustrating to hire a cleaning service only to discover that the quality of their work isn’t consistent.

At Imperial Cleaning, our quality assurance procedures confirm that our team members understand our expectations to do their best work. 

The Goals for Our Quality Assurance Program

1.     Help Our Customers Save Time and Money

We believe our cleaning services should give our customers more time in their day. We also believe in fair pricing.

By minimizing mistakes before they occur, we ensure that customers don’t have to spend time fixing these issues. A quality cleaning session also offers customers a superior value for their budget. 

2.     Boost Customer Confidence

Quality assurance processes allow our customers to be confident that we’re using effective cleaning techniques that kill germs, eliminate dirt, and leave surfaces sparkling and inviting. 

3.     Enhance Our Reputation as a Trustworthy Cleaning Service

As a cleaning company, we understand that our reputation is vital to our success.

Our customers stick with us because they trust us to do a good job. They’ll also recommend our services to friends, acquaintances, and business partners searching for a reliable cleaning service. 

4.     Ensure That We Continue to Improve Our Cleaning Services and Products

We believe that there’s always room for improvement. Quality assurance programs enable us to make the necessary changes to satisfy our customers. We listen to our customers’ feedback and use the information to improve our services. 

5.     Provide Our Customers with Consistent, Replicable Results

A consistent experience is essential for our clients. They need the security of knowing they’ll always experience the same results from one of our cleaning sessions.

All of our customers will receive a consistently thorough cleaning because we follow a set of established procedures. 

6.     State Clear Expectations for Our Employees

We’re dedicated to creating an environment conducive to our employee’s success. By establishing clear expectations with our quality assurance programs, they understand precisely what they need to do.

7.     Maximize Employee Morale 

When employees have clear expectations, they can more effectively meet these standards.

They can also better understand what a “quality cleaning service” actually includes. 

Our Quality Assurance Programs

We have multiple customized quality assurance programs and reporting tools that effectively support and meet our client’s needs, encourage effective communication, and provide an overall higher quality level of service. They can also better understand what a “quality cleaning service” actually includes: 

  • A Customer Self-Service Portal (CSS): The CSS is a convenient way for our customers to view their scheduled sessions, submit additional service requests, review their invoices, and more. You can access the CSS via the web or a mobile app.
  • Tracking of Work Orders: Our staff members have access to customized software that assists with managing projects, client communication, and overall operations. This staff portal receives real-time updates so that our team can always access relevant client information. 
  • A Smart Inspection App: Our Smart Inspection App makes it easier for our team and our clients to monitor the status of work tickets, action items, and inspection statuses. 
  • Customer Service Calls: Our dedicated Customer Service Specialists periodically contact clients (usually once a month) for honest feedback about their cleaning services. 
  • Reporting Tools: We use daily reports for our customers to confirm that we’re meeting or exceeding your expectations. 

How to Start Working with a Cleaning Service That Embraces Quality Assurance Procedures and Programs

Imperial Cleaning has more than 25 years of experience providing superior cleaning services to our clients. Our customized quality assurance program allows us to enhance our client’s satisfaction and boost communication. 

Contact us at 877-WE-CLEAN or schedule a walk-through online. 

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