Expert Cleaning Blogs: Tips for Commercial and Residential Cleaning

Tom Hallissey

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Apartment Cleaning doesn’t have to be Pushed Under the Rug

It’s easy for apartment cleaning to fall down your list of priorities when your plate is full with family, work and social activities. But, that doesn’t mean your living space has stay filthy all the time. A professional cleaning service can make your

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A Seasonal Cleaning Checklist for your Vacation Home

As summer winds down, it’s time to think about doing an end of the year cleaning of your vacation home. To cover every room, you will need a lot of cleaning supplies and more than a little elbow grease. If you’re thinking of doing it all yourself, our

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3 Reasons not to Delay Commercial Power Washing Services

Building walls and other exterior surfaces tend to build up residues of dirt, mold and mildew over time. Without regular commercial power washing services, they often look worse for the wear. Learn about three reasons why it pays to schedule maintenance

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Why you Shouldn’t Skip Summer Cleaning This Year

Summertime on Long Island often comes and goes in a flash. With so much to do in so little time, summer cleaning tends to fall far down the list of household priorities. But, rather than suffering through the heat with a dirty home, call a professional

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Home Cleaning Tips: Common Mistakes you Probably Make

Every homeowner has a cleaning routine. These are the tasks you repeat over and over without much thought. Whether you realize it or not, your routine may actually be doing more harm than good. From old cloths to dirty vacuums, there are many common

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7 Excuses Homeowners use to Avoid Kitchen Cleaning

The kitchen is a tough room to keep clean. With all the mopping, sweeping and scrubbing required, it often feels like a never-ending battle against dust and dirt. Some homeowners find kitchen cleaning so dreadful, they are willing to make all kinds of

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Why Floor Cleaning Services are a Smart Business Investment

In a commercial building, the condition of your floors should never be an afterthought. From the lobby to the bathrooms, the cleanliness of these surfaces is noticeable to everyone who steps through the door. If your flooring is losing its luster, there

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Why we use Green Household Cleaners in your Home

At Imperial Cleaning Company, we are focused on minimizing our impact on the environment. The green household cleaners we use are certified to be safe for people, pets and the planet. We are constantly mindful of the products used in your home, because

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3 Reasons to Consider Professional Outdoor Furniture Cleaners

The winter can do a number on your patio furniture. Months of snow, wind and rain tends to leave behind a trail of dirt and grime that’s not easy to remove. Before taking matters into your own hands, consider the benefits of hiring a professional outdoor

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How to Declutter your Home without going Crazy

It happens to all of us. Life gets busy and cleaning the house takes a backseat to other priorities. Before long, your stuff begins to get in the way of everyday activities. With excess stuff everywhere, it can become difficult to complete regular

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