Expert Cleaning Blogs: Tips for Commercial and Residential Cleaning

How to Clean a Messy House: A Simple To-Do List to Follow

We’ve all been there before. Your house has become such a mess it’s tough to begin cleaning it at all. Instead of postponing the dirty work, you need to develop a plan for how to clean a messy house. To help you get started, Imperial Cleaning Company has created a quick list of housecleaning tips we’ve developed in our more than 25 years of experience.

How to Clean a Messy House when you Feel Overwhelmed

Put on Work Clothes

Cleaning a house isn’t easy work. You have to be prepared for all the dust, dirt and grime you may find. Before you get started, put on some old clothes and a pair of comfortable shoes. Then, you won’t have to worry about cleaning supplies ruining your best outfit.

Pick up One Thing First

If you feel overwhelmed about how to clean a messy house, start by picking up just one single thing. It could be a shirt on the floor or a candy wrapper on the counter. It doesn’t really matter what you pick up first as long as it gives you momentum to finish the rest of the house cleaning.

Sort your Stuff into Groups

When figuring out how to clean a messy house, it helps to have a system that works for you. While you perform cleaning tasks, like dusting, mopping and vacuuming, you could declutter your home by sorting household items into places where they might be more easily found.A homeowner should have learned how to clean a messy house.

Don’t Dilly Dally

It’s easy to get sidetracked when cleaning a house. Whether it’s a floor that won’t come clean or a phone call from a friend, distractions can potentially derail a household cleanup. You will have the best results if you stay focused and do not spend too much time on any one task.

Finish one Room before Going on to the Next

Another common cleaning mistake is to jump back and forth from one task to another. A good strategy is to clean your house room by room. For example, finish the kitchen before starting the living room. By following an order like this, you will more easily know exactly what has been cleaned and what hasn’t.

Make Cleaning a Habit

If you are wondering how to clean a messy house, it is likely dusting, mopping and vacuuming aren’t a part of your regular vocabulary. But, if you make a New Year’s resolution to change this dirty habit, you might not have to spend as much time and effort on a major cleanup in the future.

A woman needs o know how to clean a messy house.

Can’t Cope with a Messy House? Call Imperial Cleaning Company

If you still feel overwhelmed by a messy apartment or house, you could benefit from the help of professional cleaners.

Imperial Cleaning Company specializes in Long Island residential cleaning services, including apartments. We provide service options, like detailed cleaningscheduled servicesmove-in cleaning and post construction clean-ups.

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