Expert Cleaning Blogs: Tips for Commercial and Residential Cleaning

3 Reasons to Consider Professional Cleaning and Sanitizing

Did you know that the average work desk has more than 10 million germs on it? Although these particles are invisible, they are far from harmless. In fact, the neglect of cleaning and sanitizing could be a harbinger of bigger problems to come. To prevent

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How to Clean a Messy House: A Simple To-Do List to Follow

We’ve all been there before. Your house has become such a mess it’s tough to begin cleaning it at all. Instead of postponing the dirty work, you need to develop a plan for how to clean a messy house. To help you get started, Imperial Cleaning Company has

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A Professional Office Cleanup Will Provide a Fresh Look for 2020

With the New Year sneaking up, it’s a good time to start considering a winter cleaning to start 2020 off with a fresh start. Using a professional office cleanup will allow you to sit back and focus on more important tasks. If you find your office staff

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The Importance of Building Maintenance

You must keep your building orderly even if it feels like an unnecessary or inconvenient task. There are many reasons why your building maintenance may lapse: you may forget, ignore it, or possibly just don’t think you need it. However, keeping up with

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Professional Residential Cleaning Improves Indoor Air Quality

Whether you realize it or not, the cleanliness of your home can have a big impact on indoor air quality. In fact, high levels of dust, pollen and other airborne debris inside your house is a risk to your health. If you would like to breathe easier at

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A Professional Holiday Cleanup is a Gift Everyone Enjoys

Now that there is a chill in the air on Long Island, the holidays can’t be too far behind. As you are planning your seasonal gathering, don’t forget to include a professional holiday cleanup on your wish list. A visit from a jolly cleaning crew can help

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What Happens When Your Office Cleaning Schedule gets Off-Track

When your regular office cleanings become sporadic, it can have negative effects on your business. Employees need a clean environment to work in for a number of different reasons. With a regular office cleaning schedule, you won’t have to think twice

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Why a Flood Clean Up Requires Professional Help

A flood is something that everyone dreads happening. The amount of damage that water may cause can seem almost insurmountable. While you may think it may be beneficial to clean up after the flood yourself, there are many benefits to hiring a professional

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3 Reasons to Consider Scheduling a Special Event Cleaning

From preparing a presentation to sending out invitations, there’s always a lot of logistics that goes into hosting a business event. While you iron out all the details, don’t forget about the cleanliness of your facility. An event cleaning appointment

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Vacuum Filtration Technology: The Ultimate in Modern Cleaning

Imperial Cleaning Company’s professional staff relies on the power of vacuum filtration technology when cleaning residential spaces. It’s one of the secrets behind the Imperial Difference that our customers have come to know so well.

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