Expert Cleaning Blogs: Tips for Commercial and Residential Cleaning

How Quality Assurance Programs Protect Homeowners

When bringing strangers into your home to clean, it’s important for you to know that the cleaners coming in have a positive reputation for reliability and consistency. This will create trust and confidence between you and the company. That is why quality

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How to Clean a Messy House: A Simple To-Do List to Follow

We’ve all been there before. Your house has become such a mess it’s tough to begin cleaning it at all. Instead of postponing the dirty work, you need to develop a plan for how to clean a messy house. To help you get started, Imperial Cleaning Company has

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Professional Residential Cleaning Improves Indoor Air Quality

Whether you realize it or not, the cleanliness of your home can have a big impact on indoor air quality. In fact, high levels of dust, pollen and other airborne debris inside your house is a risk to your health. If you would like to breathe easier at

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A Professional Holiday Cleanup is a Gift Everyone Enjoys

Now that there is a chill in the air on Long Island, the holidays can’t be too far behind. As you are planning your seasonal gathering, don’t forget to include a professional holiday cleanup on your wish list. A visit from a jolly cleaning crew can help

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Vacuum Filtration Technology: The Ultimate in Modern Cleaning

Imperial Cleaning Company’s professional staff relies on the power of vacuum filtration technology when cleaning residential spaces. It’s one of the secrets behind the Imperial Difference that our customers have come to know so well.

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Apartment Cleaning doesn’t have to be Pushed Under the Rug

It’s easy for apartment cleaning to fall down your list of priorities when your plate is full with family, work and social activities. But, that doesn’t mean your living space has stay filthy all the time. A professional cleaning service can make your

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Fall Cleaning is just as Important as Spring Cleaning

Now that the summer is winding down and the warm days are ending, you’ll inevitably start spending more time indoors and it’s easy to realize that your house may need a little extra cleaning. That’s why a deep cleaning isn’t just important in the spring,

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A Seasonal Cleaning Checklist for your Vacation Home

As summer winds down, it’s time to think about doing an end of the year cleaning of your vacation home. To cover every room, you will need a lot of cleaning supplies and more than a little elbow grease. If you’re thinking of doing it all yourself, our

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Quick Tips for How to Clean Countertops in the Kitchen

Your countertops are the most used and abused object in your kitchen. Whether you’re cooking, unloading groceries, waiting for coffee to brew or just hanging in the kitchen, odds are at some point you use your countertops. With all of this use, they are

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Why you Shouldn’t Skip Summer Cleaning This Year

Summertime on Long Island often comes and goes in a flash. With so much to do in so little time, summer cleaning tends to fall far down the list of household priorities. But, rather than suffering through the heat with a dirty home, call a professional

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