Expert Cleaning Blogs: Tips for Commercial and Residential Cleaning

Why You Should Stop Stocking Up on Cleaning Products

When people think of chores, cleaning is usually the first thing that comes to mind. It’s inevitable that almost everything you own needs to be cleaned. Even though cleaning is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy environment, many people dread

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Home Cleaning Tips: Common Mistakes you Probably Make

Every homeowner has a cleaning routine. These are the tasks you repeat over and over without much thought. Whether you realize it or not, your routine may actually be doing more harm than good. From old cloths to dirty vacuums, there are many common

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5 Professional Cleaning Hacks Designed for Residential Homes

After a long day of work the last thing you want to come home to is a dirty and messy home. You want to sit back, relax and enjoy a few minutes of peace. But when your home is a mess it can be more difficult to allow yourself to relax and in turn it can

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7 Excuses Homeowners use to Avoid Kitchen Cleaning

The kitchen is a tough room to keep clean. With all the mopping, sweeping and scrubbing required, it often feels like a never-ending battle against dust and dirt. Some homeowners find kitchen cleaning so dreadful, they are willing to make all kinds of

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Why we use Green Household Cleaners in your Home

At Imperial Cleaning Company, we are focused on minimizing our impact on the environment. The green household cleaners we use are certified to be safe for people, pets and the planet. We are constantly mindful of the products used in your home, because

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3 Reasons to Consider Professional Outdoor Furniture Cleaners

The winter can do a number on your patio furniture. Months of snow, wind and rain tends to leave behind a trail of dirt and grime that’s not easy to remove. Before taking matters into your own hands, consider the benefits of hiring a professional outdoor

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How to Declutter your Home without going Crazy

It happens to all of us. Life gets busy and cleaning the house takes a backseat to other priorities. Before long, your stuff begins to get in the way of everyday activities. With excess stuff everywhere, it can become difficult to complete regular

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The Mental Health Benefits of Living in a Clean House

Everyone deserves a restorative, restful place to call home. But all too often, life gets in the way of maintaining a clean house. Besides the obvious health hazards, a messy home can take its toll on you mentally, too. Learn about the ways in which

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The Imperial Spring Cleaning Checklist for Homeowners

Spring has sprung here on Long Island. As the days get longer and the flowers begin to bloom, it’s time to think about spring cleaning again. If it’s been months since you’ve picked up a mop, you may not even know where to start. To prevent you from

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How Healthy Home Cleaning Fights Allergies and Asthma

There is nothing worse than when your allergies or asthma flares up. These episodes can suddenly disrupt your whole life. In many instances, it is the cleanliness of your home that is to blame. Whether you know it or not, your house could be inundated

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